Youth Alive is a Christian organisation, founded by the AUSTRALIAN CHRISTIAN CHURCHES (ACC), that operates in every state in Australia.

Youth Alive is a Christian organisation, founded by the AUSTRALIAN CHRISTIAN CHURCHES (ACC), that operates in every state in Australia. The concept for Youth Alive was formed in 1982 at a camp in Victoria. It was birthed out of a genuine concern and passion for reaching young Australians with a positive message. This concern was being felt in a similar fashion in every other state, and in June 1986, youth leaders from around the nation met in Melbourne to discuss plans to make an impact on this issue. Out of this meeting Youth Alive was formed with its first national director, Mal Fletcher. Not a week goes by without the media reporting appalling statistics regarding the youth crisis within Australia today. It’s statistics like these that drive the heart of every member of Youth Alive. Our young people are the future of our nation and we believe that this is a future worth living. Therefore, it is our purpose to bring a message of hope and encouragement to those in need, and then go beyond this by providing genuine support through local youth groups in helping teenagers realise their potential.


Youth Alive provide drug and alcohol free events across the nation at various times during the year. Each state holds a number of major events every year varying in attendance from 500 to 10,000 with most attendees aged between 12 and 25. The style of each event may vary dramatically but generally includes exceptional music, dance and drama performances, competitions, multimedia presentations, motivational speaking, giveaways and guest artists. These events are for the primary purpose of REACHING YOUNG PEOPLE through positive life choices.


Held across Australia and throughout the States in different capacities and at various times in the year, youth ministries, leadership teams and young people are provided with world class leadership development opportunities. RAISING LEADERS through empowerment, opportunity, and practical development, Youth Alive continues to be instrumental in seeing the next generation grow into their leadership potential.


Youth Alive is committed to supporting the local church and local youth ministries. This is achieved through the resource Youth Alive provides with events, leadership development, the youth alive network, and practical resource.