grant application


please fill out the form below

  • Please see the evangelism fund for selection criteria and additional information.

    Grant recipients are required to keep a record of all expenses for the event/program and provide receipts within 7 days of the completion of the activity. We understand that sometimes circumstances change, so any finances not used for the purposes outlined in this grant application can be returned to Youth Alive for use in future grants and we welcome you to reapply for other initiatives you may have.

    Think carefully about how this grant could set up your youth ministry beyond one event. Are there capital items that could be used again for your next outreach event?

    For small grants ($1,000 - $2,000) the Youth Alive Youth Ministry Evangelism Fund will fund a maximum of 75% of the total project amount.

    For large grants ($2,001 - $5,000) the Youth Alive Youth Ministry Evangelism Fund will fund a maximum of 50% of the total project amount.

    Please include your Church/Ministry's contribution to the total project when creating your project.

    If your application is successful, following the completion you will be required to;

    • Provide receipts of relevant expenses within 7 days.

    • Provide a final budget.

    • Supply photos/video of the program/activity

    • Complete a 200-word summary of the activity and its outcomes.

    • Provide statistics on the total number of young people in attendance, and the number of faith decisions.